Playgrounds in North Tyneside – Moorside Play Area

This park is not too far from The Pavillion, so when you’ve been there for a delicious Pulled Pork sandwich with apple, sweet potato fries and a side of pickled vegetables (yum!) you can take the kids here for a run around.

There’s plenty here for children of different ages, though I suspect, looking at the graffiti and scorch marks, that this park is frequented by teenagers after school.   


James set about climbing up into the boat-shaped structure straight away. For some reason, he decided he couldn’t do it and needed some help. Once up there he only wanted to come down again, and not down the slide, so that’s a toddler for you! 


He wasn’t in a grump, he just didn’t really want to be up there, I think. So he had a little sit down on this post (is it a broken something?), and then ran over to the swings. 
There are four swings in this park; two normal swings and two baby swings.  I made a video of James on the swings, but it won’t upload, for some reason. He was giggling and giggling while shouting “higher! higher!” – playgrounds are such fun, aren’t they?!

He tried a new thing out here – sitting sideways in the swing. That’s also hilarious, believe me.

Though, Noah didn’t seem to agree.

James then set up a chocolate milkshake shop under the slide. A chocolate milkshake with a straw was £3. Seems like he’s been paying attention when we go to coffee shops, eh?
Apparently a bee came to see the shop keeper, and that was the prompt for a very interesting conversation. James told me that “bees go from flower to flower to buy honey (“bees make honey, they dont buy it,” I reminded him), yes, but then in their house they make cereal and take it to the shop so I can put it in my tummy!” I asked him what a bee’s house is called, the reply was, “a bee hive and they have lots and lots of flowers all around so they can slurp them up and buy honey in the shop”.
I love these revealing conversations; it’s lovely to hear what he’s taking in and making of the world in his brain!
Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall 



  1. I love the imaginative play with the makeshift shop. Such a lovely thing for children to do and beautiful photos of James at play, he looks such a boy really enjoying climbing and exploring everything in the park. thank you for sharing with me on Country Kids.


  2. What a shame about the graffiti and scorch marks as this looks like a lovely little park. Love The Pavillion but didn’t realise there was a park close by so will look out for here next time we visit. Thanks for linking to #LoveNorthEast I’ve added to our pinterest board xx


    • Ah, isn’t the Pavillion fab? The beer garden is so lovely and sunny, it’s a shame it’s not fenced in because otherwise it’d be a great place to take kids – the food is so yummy!


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